How to store fruit and vegetables in the shop?

Aug 30, 2024

Vegetables and fruit are the basis of the food pyramid and one of the most important items on our shopping list. Well displayed in the shop, they catch the eye of customers and, according to research, put them in a good mood, which encourages more purchases. But how to store them properly in the sales area so that they keep their freshness, perfect appearance and culinary value for a long time? Here are some suggestions.



Vegetables and fruit which it's better to keep refrigerated



It is good to store berries, i.e. raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, strawberries and blueberries, as well as grapes, in refrigerated conditions.


Leeks, brussels, asparagus, radishes, lettuce, chives and spring onions, corn, cauliflower and cabbage also benefit from the cold. Spinach, dill and parsley will also keep better when kept in a refrigerated device. Packed pickles, salads of all kinds and all fruit and vegetables that have been peeled and chopped, e.g. as ready-made sets, should also be placed in the refrigerator.


The best refrigeration device for displaying fruit and vegetables in the shop will be the RCh-O multideck refrigerated display, which will present them nicely and make it easy for customers to reach for them. In many situations, especially when the fruit and vegetables are packed, glazed shelving units such as the Compact SR or GT S shelving unit, as well as glazed refrigerated cabinets SCh-SR will also work well.



Vegetables and fruit that should be stored at ambient temperature



Citrus fruits, i.e. lemons, oranges, mandarins or grapefruit, as well as exotic fruits such as avocados, bananas, kiwi, figs, mangoes, papaya or pineapple, should definitely be placed outside the refrigerator. Stored in the cold, they will quickly lose their flavour and aroma. Watermelons, melons, nectarines, peaches, apricots, apples and pears also prefer higher temperatures.


Vegetables that are much better displayed outside the refrigerator include cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, parsley, beetroot, courgettes, aubergines, onions and garlic. Vegetables and fruit that are not suited to the cold are best displayed in the specially designed RW-A and RW-B vegetable shelving, suitable for 40x60 cm boxes. The shelves, made of beech wood rungs, ensure adequate air circulation and easy maintenance of the display.





If you would like to find out more about RAPA's refrigerated and vegetable shelving, please call us on 81 742 53 10 or write to: We will be happy to answer any questions!





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